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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 16.00 – 22.00 at Rigshospitalet, auditorium 1, at entrance 2, Blegdamsvej 9, Copenhagen Ø.
The event is free and open to all HIV-positive people, relatives and others with an interest in HIV.
Registration can be made to info@hiv-danmark.dk If you are not attending physically at Rigshospitalet, the meeting can be streamed directly via https://stream.dvc.dk/HIV-Danmark_2024/eller by scanning the QR code on the next page.
A special thanks to bodymapping.dk for the use of Jacob Balling’s work “My diagnosis – my HIV”


16.00 Marketplace Stalls with information about HIV 17.00 Welcome and introduction to the evening’s program by Hiv-Danmarks chairman Jens Peder Høeberg 17.10 Medical update on HIV treatment by Professor Jan Gerstoft 17.35 HIV and ageing by Professor Susanne Dam Poulsen 18.30 Break with coffee, tea and cake The marketplace is open 19.00 History of the AIDS crisis 1982-1990: From ignorance to organization
v/ postdoc Bolette Frydendahl Larsen and associate professor Michael Nebeling Petersen from the CHAD project 19.35 Young people with HIV: From depression to self-awareness v/ school teacher Jacob Balling 20.15 Closing and summary 20.30 Light refreshments in the staff canteen

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